
Save Spaceship Earth


Client: RMIT Archives

Direction: Creative Direction
Art Direction
Identity & Branding

11-18 Oct 2018

Save Spaceship Earth,
get on board to the universe!

The Jigsaw Factory approaches design for designers that maintains a youthful idealism, but the spirit and thinking behind it is far ahead of its time. Many people, especially people out of Australia, are not that familiar with this magical company.

How to introduce Jigsaw Factory to the public? How to build the connection between this company and the audience today? How to make everyone the hero? Those questions led me and my teams to explore the meaning and possibilities of the exhibition, and also bring the concepts down to the Earth.

Believe in your superpower and everyone is the hero!

Urku Portfolio

The Jigsaw Factory was a landmark in Australian design history, resulting from the collaboration between Bruce Weatherhead and Alex Stitt in 1971. While primarily aimed at children, the Jigsaw Factory was ahead of its time, especially in terms of introducing complex political and environmental ideas through fun, educational and interactive design.

Inspired by this spirit, Save Spaceship Earth is an exhibition curated by RMIT Master of Communication Design students in collaboration with the RMIT Design Archives to explore our relationships with the environment through a series of sensorial, interactive and participatory experiences.

We often feel detached from environmental issues that seem grand and impossibly complex when going about our daily lives. In Save Spaceship Earth, we’d like to invite you to appreciate the beauty of our world and explore a more personal and intimate relationship with our fragile space ship. By reflecting on the past and speculating about the future, we can create small changes in the present that will make a big difference in our collective future.”

Urku Portfolio
Urku Portfolio
Urku Portfolio
Urku Portfolio
Urku Portfolio
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